What is the 100 Club?
The 100 CLUB is a lottery and a primary fund raiser for the Old Wymondhamians. It enables the OW Committee to provide financial support towards specific College projects and student activities – especially where traditional funding methods have become exhausted. As a lottery, it also gives participants the chance to win monthly cash prizes.
Since its inception in 2003 the OW 100 Club has raised well in excess of £125,000 (before prize money) which has helped fund an enormous number of worthy initiatives. These have included part sponsorship of the College hymn books and the College’s Heritage Trail signboards, a contribution to the 1st XV rugby tour of South Africa – specifically to support pupils who might not have been able to partake due to financial hardship, funding of the 1st XI cricket kit, bursary funding initiatives, cricket pitch improvements, part sponsorship of the all-weather tennis/netball court refurbishment, the purchase of 1st XV rugby shirts, and a sizable contribution towards the Chapel Project to create a create a world class heritage centre in the College Chapel that celebrates the history and development of the College campus.
In addition, a £750 annual Travel Award that has been distributed since 2012, to a student selected by the OW committee undertaking worthy voluntary work typically overseas.
Who can join?
Any Old Wymondhamian can join the 100 Club. If you were a student at the College or a member of staff then please join up!
Why should I participate?
To help raise much needed funds and be in with a chance to win cash prizes every month!
How does it work?
60% of monies raised during a year is directed towards the funding of worthy College related causes and 40% is paid out in prizes*.
Subscription is only £5.00 per month (or £60.00 per annum). Each subscription is allocated a unique number which participates in the monthly prize draws. You can subscribe to as many numbers as you like.
There are currently 3 randomly drawn monthly prizes. Two of £60 and one of £30, other than in June and December when there are three STAR prizes drawn of £500, £250 and £100 respectively.
*Nb Prize amounts or number of prizes may be amended in future depending on the level of participation in the 100 Club to ensure a 60%/40% Funding/Prizes split is maintained as detailed above. An increase in active subscribers above 100 will for example increase the prize pot, with the amounts or quantity of prizes amended to reflect.
Keep In Touch
If you have ever been a pupil or member of staff, please keep in touch.